The IRIS journey has started

All IRIS team members are now preparing to celebrate the first project’s Christmas & New Year season! It is a great time to review the first four months of intense work, along with the major achievements.

During this period, the foundations for collaboration and communication were set up: the official IRIS website went live; the internal guidelines on project quality assurance and risk management were released; as well as plans for dissemination, communication, and exploitation.

IRIS promotes a collaborative‐first approach centered around CERTs, so we were very glad to onboard five European CERTs on the Advisory Board! The stakeholders and end user communities are thus well represented and empowered in IRIS.

To tackle the sensitive security privacy issues, as well as other ethics concerns, all required members of the Ethics Advisory Board were designated. Also, no less than five deliverables on ethics were produced during this period, in view of strong compliance, conformance, and societal acceptance.

A major dissemination achievement was the participation in the Smart City World Congress Expo 2021, in November, an early step towards spreading the word about IRIS. This event provided opportunities for dissemination, engagement with stakeholders, and eliciting early feedback on challenges and solutions.

Finally, an important formal milestone was achieved by producing the foundational deliverable on the IRIS vision and use cases (deliverable D2.1 “Vision scenarios and use cases definition”), a public report.

Counting nine deliverables produced so far, in four months, what’s next in our common journey?

We are moving steadily towards finalizing the analysis of requirements, by month six; and getting the platform architecture and specifications ready, by month nine.

That’s how we hit the road running; we are all set up, towards developing advanced solutions to protect European Smart Cities.

Looking forward for 2022.